Visiting Abriss

Visiting Abriss, literally: «visiting demolition» is an artistic research on demolition practices in Berlin conducted with the berlin based collective Urban Fragment Observatory.

Observing the fact that fully functionning buildings — especially from the 70’s, are demolished to be replaced by more profitable, denser structures, the goal of this research was to shed light on their disappearance from the cityscape and create a wider understanding of the urban dynamics linked to demolition practices.
The outcome of the research is a performative walk along the Kurfürstenstraße (Berlin), inviting inhabitants to pay attention to their neighbourhood in a new, caring way and providing a stage for local initiatives to speak out against the practice of demolition. 
The walk ended with the wide format projection of the short-film «MACHT KAPUTT WAS EUCH KAPUTT MACHT» on the facade of a public administration building threatened by demolition (an der Urania 4-10).
In parallel an exhibition in the shop windows of Kurfürstenstraße (Berlin) displays the factual outcome of the research in 4 different languages (German, English, Turkish, Bulgarian) to best adress the diverse local population. 
Visiting Abriss, February 2023 
photos © ufoufo